Glimpses of Late Summer

We are really enjoying these glimpses of Late Summer, yes S-U-M-M-E-R.  We refuse to use the F-A-L-L word until after the autumnal equinox on Wednesday, the 22nd; refuse to recognize the F-A-L-L word because that means that the W-I-N-T-E-R word is just way too close for comfort.   They leaves are beginning to turn, and our thoughts must also begin to turn to the seasonal chores that lie ahead.
Thank you for all the warm thoughts, prayers and hugs… both real and virtual.  They really do help.

Sheeps and Peeps… and Cows

I have struggled with writing this post for well over a month.  Usually we strive to keep this blog a happy place… not dwell on the sadness in farming and in life, because… well, because it is really just nice to come here and focus on positive things.  But, today is my late husband John’s birthday.  John passed away suddenly in March, and still on most days life is emotionally difficult.  He was my best friend and Sheeps and Peeps’ biggest cheerleader.  Most of all… he was a good man.
We all miss him.

Last fall we added some adjoining acreage to the farm and for Christmas John gave me a cow.  Well, actually a picture of a cow.  He had arranged with friends to get one of their spring calves.  You may think this strange, but honestly, to a farm girl, this is about the best gift ever!  Our son, Jonathan, worked all summer fixing fence, preparing the pasture.  Finally, we were ready and the big day arrived.  Needless to say there was a lot of excitement from our neighbor, Roger’s cows and some of them quickly gathered on their side of the fence.

Amanda and family arrived with not one but two beautiful calves!  A heifer, which Megan quickly named ‘Betty Lou Moo Moo’, and a steer who, unfortunately Jonathan named (following an old family tradition started by our father) ‘Beef’.
Betty Lou and Beef on their arrival, August 14th
The calves are doing great!  They have a wonderful pasture and beautiful watering trough.  Of course there will be more pictures and stories to come.  Many, many thanks to Amanda for giving us this wonderful gift in John’s memory. 
Beef and Betty Lou Moo Moo near watering trough, September

Happy Birthday, Honey… and thank you… you would love watching the calves.