. . . 5 ram lambs Three more lambs yesterday. A set of twin rams from one of our Coopworth/Blue faced Leicester cross lambs that we purchased from Martha at Deer Run Sheep Farm. This is Neala as a lamb with her beautiful full fleece: And yesterday, all grown up and recently sheared, attending to her two new ram lambs.
One of them weighed in at over 9 pounds, the other at almost 13 pounds. This is the big boy looking for his first meal.
Later, yesterday evening, when going to close up the guinea coop for the night, Jill our only Romney cross ewe was in the process of delivering her first lamb that looked pretty large. With a little assistance, she delivered a hefty ram that weighed over 12 pounds and has sturdy ‘Clydesdale’ legs. This is our Jill as a lamb. We so hoped she would give us a ewe lamb. Maybe next year.
And Here is Jill yesterday, with her new lamb. He looks almost halve as big as she is!
And here he is showing off his hefty, wooly legs. He is a sturdy boy.
So, now we are up to – let’s count together — one, two, three, four, five. And did I mention they are all rams??????