Spring Sun

What a difference a day makes, especially in the spring.  Saturday was a little overcast, chilly and a little soggy from all the rain last week.  But, Sunday was a glorious spring day… warm, sunny and breezy.  The daffodils perked up and so did the farm family. 

It was perhaps a little too warm for the soon-to-be mama ewes.  We added some raw apple cider vinegar to their water trough to help with the heat stress.  It was kind of tough for them to get comfortable.  They sought shade and many retreated to the coolness of the barn.  Despite the ewes’ predicament, we were all very grateful for the warm sun drying out the mud and muck.

6 thoughts on “Spring Sun

  1. Spring is strange isn't it? We have had a heatwave and on Saturday had a temperature of 93. Next Saturday we are going to be 68!
    Your flowers are lovely. Ours have come and gone so it is nice to see them, if only on a computer screen.
    Have a great week.

  2. that was interesting about what you add to the water…i don't own sheep personally so i found it very enlightening. our daffodils are all done. lovely pics. stop by if you get a chance. we had a sheep herding demonstration saturday. you would like the pics. jill

  3. It is a good information for me to put some apple cider vinegar into the water for the sheep to help them with the heat. Sometimes in April it can be completely hot, and in May also hot or cold… and my sheep still have all their wool. How many cider do you put into 10 liters of water , and how does it work?

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