The Big Weekend

As many weekends are… this was a very busy weekend on the farm.  We moved the yearlings and the older ewes back to the granddaddy green by the barn.  It is so great to have them back at the barn, if only for a little while.  In a couple weeks we will move them to a paddock where they will have access to one of the hayfields during the day.  We also moved the rams to a new paddock… inching slowly towards breeding season.

Took Raven into the woods after doing a little work with the goat boys, and flushed that blasted fox.  It took off up over the hill through the graveyard field.

Celebrated Mom’s birthday… Happy Birthday, once again, Mom!  Great-granddaughter Harley is ready to help blow out the twenty candles she counted to put on the cake.

And we sold a dozen of our ewes – yearlings and proven two-year-olds.  Many, many thanks to the McComb family for making the trip from Marlinton to buy some of our girls.  We are so excited that they are going to a handspinner’s flock.  We hope they will love the fleeces the girls produce and enjoy spinning them as much as we do!

7 thoughts on “The Big Weekend

  1. You live such an exciting life on your gorgeous grounds. Your sheep are so lucky to have inherited you, ewe, you.
    I love your yarns that you spin. My Mother used to spin when Dad had Suffolks and then went to batting for the many family quilts she produced. I have a couple batts to use yet. Can the batting be spun into hanks of yarn? I love to knit and crochet.

  2. The fox got away… and since he will not stay out of the fenced-in pastures, we have had to put a 'permanent removal' plan into place to protect the flocks. (He comes right through the woven-wire fence.)

  3. So glad to hear that, Michaele. We sometimes feel that we are posting a lot of (what might seem to others)tedious details, but we use this a farm journal. We refer back to it often; checking to see when we performed certain tasks. Thanks for the positive reinforcement 🙂

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