Sarah in Relation to Sally

This is Sarah. There is much excitement about Sarah! She is a Border Leicester out of Abby and Saul. The cause for excitement is that she is the grand-daughter of our old girl, Sally Ann.

We were given Sally when we bought some other registered Border Leicester ewes several years ago. Already an ‘older’ ewe, she was just kind of thrown in for good measure… you know. Well, Sally became a beloved member of our flock and gave us three good years of ram lambs before dying last summer. All summer we talked about how disappointed we were that we had no ewe lamb to carry on Sally’s lineage. But, we held on to Sally’s ’07 ram lamb and decided to use him this year on some of the BL ewes. We are so happy we did.

The second cause for excitement is that for five days we thought that Abby had a ram lamb… no excuse other than punch-drunk exhaustion. So… we are pretty darn excited that she actually had this 9 lb beauty of a ewe! Still thinking there might have been some kind of divine intervention happening there…

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