Tag: border leicester
Catching Up
Last week was a crazy one. We had lots of rain, a day of sleet and hail, followed by a day of this –
Thank goodness, bluer skies prevailed the rest of the week.
And we spent a lot of time doing this… in the 80+ degree weather that followed.
But, it was all worthwhile because we had a lot of rewards like this –
Meet Flora and Fauna, born to Sweet Pea (Lincoln cross) out of Liam (BL). Born around 5 a.m., Flora weighed 10 lbs 10 ozs and Fauna weighed 10 lbs. This was a cold, rainy morning, and Sweet Pea decided to have them half in, half out the open barn door. We put the little coats on to warm them up a bit after their chilly start.
Slowly, but surely, we are going to catch up with pictures of all the lambs, so stay tuned.
Meet Juliet
She is our little premie. Born around 8:30 a.m. yesterday, she did not even attempt to get up to nurse. She could not stand nor hold her head up. Even after hours of drying, massaging, etc. her back legs were still like wet noodles. We kept her under a heat lamp. We fed her lamb milk replacer, electrolytes and extra dextrose, calcium, etc. We even took turns sleeping on the floor next to her little box. So, after all this and a couple vitamin B shots…. TA DA!
Frosty Morning
The Queen

We have not had great luck breeding The Q Liz to Liam, our registered Border Leicester ram. We have everything crossed that this will be the year that everything works out.
Shown above are two colorways we have developed from the lovely queen’s wool. You can find them here in our etsy shop.