Peeking in on the Peeps

The newest hatchlings are doing well with mama hen in their ultra-protective quarters; the two little ones are shy and just as cute as can be; mama is very protective

This summer’s earlier hatchlings have moved (still with their mama) into juvenile quarters and are at that kind of awkward teenager stage; it’s going to be exciting to see what they will look like when mature

And as for those spring peeps… it just seems that those silver wyandottes are constantly seeking the spotlight… errr sunlight

News from the Peeps

We had a lot of excitement on Saturday when it was discovered that one of the older hens in the big coop had hatchlings!  We haven’t wanted to disturb mama and her two tiny peeps, so no pictures yet.  
Instead we’ll share a few pictures of the growing chicks in one of yesterday’s rare moments of sunshine… Buff Orpingtons, New Hampshire Reds and Silver Wyandottes. 

The Rest of the Chicks

A quick look at the rest of the chicks….slowly learning to roost in the new coop addition at the farmhouse:  the Rhode Island Reds and New Jersey Giants.
The lighter colored hen is a Turken from the older layers which kept escaping from the outdoor run and is in time-out with the little ones for now.
The barred chick is the free rare breed chick from the order. We think it may be a Cuckoo Maran rooster.

Peeking in on the Peeps

The peeps are growing… as peeps are bound to do… and enjoying their treats of brush hogged grass, weeds from the garden, etc.  This little group is pretty quiet and calm.  The bigger group of Rhode Island Reds and Jersey Giants moved into their expanded coop at the farmhouse last week.  We will try to share some pictures of them soon.  The Jersey Giants are living up to their name and are significantly bigger than all the others.  They are being raised for a brother-in-law and his family.

Silver Wyandottes, New Hampshire Reds, Buff Orpingtons

Buff Orpington rooster

Buff Orpington, Silver Wyandotte, New Hampshire Red


Lambing was finished just in time to allow preparation for the arrival of The Peeps.
65 in all…. a mixture of Silver Laced Wyandottes,  New Hampshire Reds, Buff Orpingtons, White Giants, and Rhode Island Reds.
The farmhouse is now filled with the wonderful sounds of ….. Cheep Cheep Cheep!!