solstice to solstice :: comfort


A bird has a nest
A fox has a lair
A den is a home
If you’re a bear.
I have a comfortable old chair.

Soft pillowed blue,
a flowered cloud,
The perfect place to read aloud
to myself or silently
letting long words run over me,
letting the stories I have read
make moving pictures in head.
New chairs are nice
but mine is best.
My spot to think in
brood in
to plot in
dream in, many dreams,
to scheme a few outlandish schemes in
Kings need crowns to be the king
but me
I can be anything
any person
if I just have my book and chair.

“Comfortable Old Chair” by Karla Kuskin

response to week six of the solstice to solstice project at urban.prairie.forest
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