Like most of the rest of the country, we are experiencing extremely high temperatures for this time of year. We are all seeking shade… wherever we can find it… a little patch here… a bigger patch there. Every patch of shade has been filled with a resting animal, waiting for the sun to set for a little bit of relief. We put a hook and eye on the big door of the small chicken coop so that it can be kept open for a little more air circulation. This, of course, has been a great source of amusement for the chickens, at least those who are not hunkered down in the shade under the coop.
Appropriately enough, urban.prairie.forest chose HOT as the word for week one of the thirteen weeks of summer. We’re joining in today, and when you get a chance check out all the wonderful contributions in The Solstice to Solstice Flickr pool.
I always worry about the animals when it is hot like this! Too hot for anyone! Stay as cool as you can!
i do feel sorry for the animals who cannot escape the heat and have had no chance to acclimate to a heat spike like you're getting.
I'll be it is cooler under the coop in the dirt, if it was that hot here in Seattle, I'd be tempted to crawl under there too!
Hope all is well! That was a nasty storm last night!
I always wonder how sheep can stand heat. We have it here too, and no rain. The grass has given up.
Here in Bavaria we had some hot days,too (32 degrees),but I think its not a little bit to compare with your heat! I mean I can feel the heat from your photos.