{this moment}

A Friday ritual.
A single photo – no words – capturing a single moment from the week
A simple, special extraordinary moment.
A moment to pause, savor and remember.
Participating with the SouleMama blog.

Please forgive our breaking the ‘no words’ rule.  The electricity came back on last evening… after nine days.  Many thanks to all of you who kept us in your thoughts and for your kind words of encouragement!   Please join us in keeping those still affected by Hurricane/Blizzard Sandy in your prayers.  There are over 3,300 families in our county, alone, still without power.  We are so very grateful to all those that are working hard to get things back up and going… both here in West Virginia and the other areas with even more devastation.

11 thoughts on “{this moment}

  1. That is a beautiful piece of knitting you have there.
    I saw the photos below and wow is all I can think to say. I hope y'all are nice and warm. Do the sheep like the snow? I just wondered. I want a little snow, but even a little shuts everything down around here because of all the bridges, I'm not sure what would happen with the amount you received.
    Take care and have a lovely weekend.

  2. I'm so glad you are back "on the grid" and I am so sorry that your area of the country is getting so little attention in the press (at least where I get my news. If it weren't for your blog I wouldn't have known people in WV were still without power.) I'm knitting a larger version of the blanket(?) you're knitting. Mine will be adult lap size; yours seems like it might be smaller? Enjoy your electricity.

  3. 9 days, you must have been prepared better than some others. Glad you are back up and running, stay warm and stay safe. Always worry more about people with critters during storms, you can't just jump in the car and evacuate or hunker down to stay safe, critters still need to be taken care of storm or no storm. Take care.

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