Sheeps and Peeps Calendars!

Well, they’re here… our first farm calendar!  It’s 8 1/2 X 11 inches, spiral bound and printed on high quality paper.  The good news is they are now available in our Etsy Shop, but wait… there’s even better news.  We are giving one away to a lucky blog reader. To enter the give-away simply comment on today’s post.. Comments will be closed on Sunday at 8 p.m. and the winner chosen by Random Number Generator. Good Luck!
Connents have been closed… a winner will be announced tomorrow.
Comment #10 was chosen by the random number generator – congratulations Wendz!

What the Barncats Did…

The barncats have been enthusiastically doing their job ridding the barn and the surrounding area of any critter foolish bold enough to wander into their domain.  Once the weather turned cold, they began to take their job very seriously.  We won’t disgust bore you with the evidence of their conquests, but instead will show you how they occupy their time during warmer weather… what we like to refer to as “The Barncats Summer Vacation”.

Good Morning, Sunshine

We were treated to a beautiful tropical sunrise yesterday morning, and unfortunately the heat, haze and humidity that went with it.  It was FAMACHA day so we headed to the barn at daybreak in an attempt to beat the worst of the heat.  The lambs scored pretty well, and two of the three being treated in the barn were sent back to the field with the others.  The lambs were so calm and well behaved that we were finished before the sun had a chance to burn off the morning fog.

The Business of Barn Swallows

We have been so lucky to have a huge flock of barn swallows visiting the pastures every evening.  It is so pleasant to watch them swoop and glide through the paddocks eating hundreds of mosquitos, gnats, etc.  They gather on the roof line, and almost like synchronized swimmers, they dive off and go about their business vacuuming the bugs from the air.  In about an hour, they are done and fly off; only to reappear like clockwork the next evening.

Our Girls Love a Parade

The ewes consider any visit to their paddock, a great occasion, and they will come parading out of the woods to prove it.  Yes, our girls sure seem to love a parade!   
The ewes are regaining condition… enjoying their quiet time in the back paddock before the breeding cycle starts all over again.
We have all been spending a lot of time in the shade; doing as many chores as possible at daybreak and dusk. Finally, yesterday, we were treated to a little break in the heat and humidity.