Poseidon’s Millspun

Here’s our big guy, Poseidon, waiting to be sheared last spring.  Look at those beautiful, long, curly locks of wool – seven inches long, folks!

Once we got it on the skirting table… all 12 lbs 3 ozs of it… we realized that we have always sold this beautiful wool as a raw fleece.  After skirting 10 lbs 11 ozs remained, and we decided to send it off to Stonehedge Fiber Mill to be processed. 

And here it is!  A beautiful silvery grey with wonderful depth of natural color.  We’re still in the process of washing the 21 skeins, but we are so excited that we did get one listed in our Etsy shop.

We have one other skein ready to go.  And we’ve decided to give it to one of our lucky blog readers!  To enter the give-away simply comment on today’s post.  Comments will be closed on Sunday at 8 p.m. and the winner chosen by Random Number Generator. Good Luck!  Comments are closed, the winner will be announced shortly.
Comment #14 was chosen by the Random Number Generator.  Congratulations to Mountain Girl!

22 thoughts on “Poseidon’s Millspun

  1. That is one beautiful skein! An aunt taught me how to knit way back when I was 5 yrs. old and I've been doing it now for 55 yrs…yikes! Like sewing, I consider it a lost art that's a wonderful stress-reliever. Poseidon, you did good!

  2. Looks like "wonder wool"–I was a knitter in my younger days, but morphed into an bewitched quilter. However, after a year or so of reading "Sheeps & Peeps" and "Punkin's Patch" I yearning for the feel of wool in my hands again!

  3. Poseidon is such a handsome fella with those gorgeous curls. It would be such an honor to knit with his splendidly produced yarn. Do enter me please.
    Blessings and Hugs to Poseidon

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