Sunday Muse

“…thinking of driving again the gravel roads of America at thirty-five miles per hour in order to see the ditches and gulleys, the birds in the fields, the mountains and rivers, the skies that hold our 10,000 generations of mothers in the clouds waiting for us to fall back into their arms again.”
from “Cold Wind” by Jim Harrison
What a blessing to be surrounded by these blue skies! Most of the weekend was filled with the most beautiful February weather, and although it began to snow again Sunday afternoon, the air was filled with hope. Because, you see, there were ROBINS! Not just one lonely, lost, what-am-i-doing-so-far-north robin, but dozens and dozens of ROBINS! They were busy as can be in the hayfields and pastures.
So… we’re calling it. It is officially Late Winter! Late Winter! (Please don’t tell us any different.)
joining The View From Right Here
Nettie and her beautiful half-border-leicester ram lamb… loved the wonderfully blue sky and that big puffy white cloud.
Joining The View From Right Here
A simple, special extraordinary moment.
A moment to pause, savor and remember.
Participating with the SouleMama blog.