Kitchen Window Entertainment

Facing a sink full of last night’s dishes is a whole lot easier and much more entertaining, when in the company of these little friends.  The flurry of activity, their song, their acrobatics at the sink window’s platform feeder never fail to provide amusement.  Although they might make the whole process take just a little bit longer than really necessary, dishes are done with a smile on your face.

The Weekend

After Friday’s bitter winter storm, Saturday was very much like living inside of a snowglobe.  The high winds had ceased and the snow continued, falling gently… leaving everything looking like the winter wonderland it should be in January.
Although bitterly cold on Sunday, everyone seemed to be enjoying the winter weather.  The deer came up out of the hollow and were grazing on the knoll most of the afternoon.  And Bella despite having two shelters and a dog house at her disposal, chose to sleep out on the side of the hill under the goat tree. 

Bearing Fruit

Raven and I took a walk down by the gas well to check on some of the fruit trees, and while the apples and peaches are coming along nicely, there aren’t any plums hanging on… a bit of a disappointment. As we were walking down the hill, we noticed that someone else was also checking the on the fruit.

Raven gave her ‘a bit of knowing what’s what’ and she meandered across the road and down over the hill to check out what might be available at our neighbor, Learlean’s. If we expect to beat this girl, we are going to have to watch the fruit progress very closely.

Caution – Turkey Crossing

Often when making a trip down the old barn lane to get hay we encounter wildlife – a bunny, a deer – we pause in the springtime to observe the first Robins in the hayfield, the blooms on the Mountain Laurel. But a few days ago we had a real treat.

We had to suddenly stop the Ranger because of these baby turkeys (poults) in the lane.

We could hear clucking and shortly found Mama Turkey peeking out of the hayfield on the left side of the lane.

After much more clucking and peeping, Mama Hen ventured out and proceeded to encourage her poults to cross the lane.

She and three poults crossed to the right side, but she continued to cluck. Then we heard more peeping, and out popped some more poults!
… and more…

… and more…

Finally after several minutes of clucking encouragement, everyone made it safely across the lane, into the tall grass on the right side and then further into the woods.

And we were given a lesson in slowing down… pausing… enjoying Mother Nature’s gifts.