solstice to solstice :: rest

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.”
~ John Lubbock (English biologist, 1834-1913)

response to week seven of the thirteen weeks of summer
the solstice to solstice project at urban.prairie.forest


There was much excitement when the prompt for yesterday on Shutter Sister’s One Word Project for August was seen  ~Curves~

Immediately we knew that we wanted to somehow capture the feeling of the curving enclosure of this portion of the granddaddy green pasture.(the top, from the bottom and from the side).  It is a beautiful spot on the farm and produces a multitude of feelings… refuge… sanctuary… shelter… a favorite.

All month long Shutter Sisters is hosting Elevate the Everyday – check out the Flickr Pool of contributions.

Turkey Trot

It appears to be quite impossible to get a great photo, but the wild turkey hens and poults are seemingly everywhere.  They spent several days in the pasture with the yearlings and Samson.  They hung out by the chicken coop with Belladonna.  They spend a lot of time in the old barn hayfield, crossing the barn lane to disappear into the woods. They recently amused the lambs by spending a great deal of time in their pasture, and the lambs amused themselves by following the line of wild turkeys.  Not a big surprise, really… we all know that our sheep love a parade!

Can I Pet One?

We had an extra helper during a recent feeding. The conversation went something like this:
‘GG, Can I pet a lamb?’
‘I don’t know if they will let you or not, but you can come in and try.’
Well, GG forgot how quickly the lambs get used to attention at feeding time and the quick surrounding stampede was a delightful surprise for us all.

Yes…Yes you can pet a lamb!