A Little Spring Color

Color is returning to the mountains, and it is surely a welcome sight.  The pastures are beginning to green up a little, flowers and shrubs are beginning to bloom.  Even the trees are providing a beautiful showing as the mountains surrounding us change from grey and black and brown to palette of delicate yellows, reds and even a little green.  Oh my, how we love our mountains… but you already know that.

What the Barncats Did…

The barncats have been enthusiastically doing their job ridding the barn and the surrounding area of any critter foolish bold enough to wander into their domain.  Once the weather turned cold, they began to take their job very seriously.  We won’t disgust bore you with the evidence of their conquests, but instead will show you how they occupy their time during warmer weather… what we like to refer to as “The Barncats Summer Vacation”.

Winter Colours Week – (Unofficially) Brown

While Poppytalk’s Winter Colour Week is officially over, here at Sheeps and Peeps Farm today is Brown.  This is necessary in celebration of the many Brown pictures taken for Wednesday, which actually was officially Green.  We hope you will enjoy this unofficial Day 6 of the farm girl take on Winter Colours Week.

Icy brown seed heads, not yet devoured by the birds

Sturdy beams of the old barn still providing shelter
and the memory of the quiet strength of family members no longer with us

Top of the old barn and our precious
hay crop

our sheep… wool… providing warmth to combat the wintery chill

Winter Colour Week inspired us to find the quiet beauty in the everyday…
oft-times unnoticed and passed by
Thank you, Poppytalk!

Autumn Views

Late summer was so dry that as fall approached, the green leaves began to fall from some of the trees.  So, after weeks of worrying whether there would be any fall color at all; we feel so blessed to be surrounded with an abundance of autumn beauty.  Many leaves are now beginning to fade and fall, but here and on Flickr are a few of our favorite ‘Autumn Views’ from the past couple weeks.