Good Company

Had some wonderful and very excited company on the quest to capture photographic proof that the pasture pear trees are already blooming. 

Belladonna, our not quite two year old Maremma guardian, was quite the enthusiastic and entertaining partner.

You can see who took center stage… two pictures of the pear blossoms… probably thirty of Bella.
She sure is a beauty!

While We Were Walking

Don’t think for a moment that the Moving into March walk went unnoticed by the farm dwellers.  They definitely recognize when there is anything out of the ordinary, and are never at a loss for words. 

“I think you are going the wrong way!”

“We ran all the way down here… we thought you were bringing the hay!”

“What are you doing down there?”

“We’ve been up and down this hill four times.  Aren’t you finished taking pictures?”

“You better be coming up out of there with hay!”

“Don’t make me come down there and get you!”

The Weekend

After Friday’s bitter winter storm, Saturday was very much like living inside of a snowglobe.  The high winds had ceased and the snow continued, falling gently… leaving everything looking like the winter wonderland it should be in January.
Although bitterly cold on Sunday, everyone seemed to be enjoying the winter weather.  The deer came up out of the hollow and were grazing on the knoll most of the afternoon.  And Bella despite having two shelters and a dog house at her disposal, chose to sleep out on the side of the hill under the goat tree. 

Just like Sam Sheepdog

Samson is in with the ewe lambs for the winter, and just like Sam Sheepdog he spends much of his day in a very business-like manner – sititng at the top of the hill by his dog house on the lookout for the bad guys or patrolling the perimeter fencing.

Hmmmm…. there seems to be one very tall lamb at the pile of hay…

Oh, it looks like our Sam has decided to employ the art of camouflage and disguise

or maybe he is just looking for a really warm spot in the sun.

Good dog, Sam.


While Samson relaxed in the sun, under the goat tree, Belladonna appeared to be conspiring with Poseidon and Aragorn.  They spent about an hour chatting at the small walk-through gate.  It seemed that the rams were trying to talk Belladonna into helping them break through that gate (which is not in the best of shape due to a previous ram incident).  Luckliy Bella was distracted by the crow family when they came by to steal food from from her bowl and the breakout was averted.