The first lambs have arrived!! Yesterday, on the late afternoon barn check, Hazel,
one of our border leicester cross ewes, was in the corral pawing a little. The NOISY guineas, a confusion of them, arrived on the scene and Hazel promptly exited into the field with the rest of the ewes and down over the hill. Lena and I watched her a little and decided to let her alone and hopefully she would come back into the barn or corral. On the next check, after supper, we found all of the ewes in the barn except, of course, Hazel. Down over the hill – this hill which the picture does no justice, you can barely see the fence down at the very bottom along the tree line–
was Hazel with two little lambs. A very cold east wind was whipping across the hill , so Lena headed to the fiber room for towels – I think she ran all the way – and I proceeded down the hill and found two healthy ram lambs. It took us a while to convince Hazel to consistently follow us UP the hill, but when she saw the barn, it was much easier. We got them weighed and settled into the jug and continued on our original destination 45 minutes late, choir practice. We later put on their coats to keep them toasty after their trip up the windy hill. This morning they looked very contented
and warm.