Closer to Spring

Slowly but surely we are inching closer to spring ~ the maple tree buds are swelling and  so are the daffodils.  The roadside wildflower coltsfoot are popping out and beginning to bloom.  The cardinals’ springtime dance has begun ~ with first a glimpse… a glance… a flit… and a flutter.
In just one short week, it will be official… it will be spring!

Following the Freezing Fog

from the soft pink reflections of dawn to the first light of sunrise striking the mountains

and the graceful birch tree branches

from the tops of the hard rime frosted mountains to the soft rime covered teasel in the old barnyard

from the tree tops in the brilliant blue sky to every tall blade of grass and small seed head

We were blessed with a Sunday that was a spectacular, sun-filled, sparkling winter wonderland.
It was just what we needed to renew our spirits.
(click on pictures to enlarge)

Sugar Frosted Mountains

Above the big turn at Bellview, you could begin to see a strange phenomenom this weekend.  It was not the sugar-frosted trees on top of the hills that we usually see, but pockets of sugar-frosting on the side of the hills; producing an eerie, ghostly, almost fog-like feeling in the mountains.

Closer to home, in our backyard, the strange sugar-frosting continued in the hills to the south and southwest.  It was almost as if something (the wind perhaps) had brushed the snow from the trees on the top of the hills leaving an outline; showing off their fancy curves.

We could also see this beautiful frosty coating looking from the barn, through the pasture.  Some of the trees on the side of the hill above Wolf Creek had a heavy coating of frosty snow that lasted through the weekend.  Could it have been caused by moisture coming up the hollow during the storm?  Whatever the cause, the storm left us with a lovely winter wonderland and contemplating the many artistic talents of Father Winter.

Autumn Lessons

One of Autumn’s lessons is to carefully watch your step as you go about your daily chores

but Autumn’s greatest lesson is to gently remind us to look up… lift up our eyes
”Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”  — John Muir