Pest Free


As soon as the barn door is opened, we are usually joined by one or more helpers during morning chores.  Whether it is tipping every bucket in sight just to see what might be inside, carefully watching the rabbit pen for real or imagined intruders or inspecting the feed and water in the brief period of time it takes to load the bed of the Ranger; these helpers take their jobs very seriously – protecting the feed stores by keeping the barn pest-free.


Sunny Sunday

After Saturday’s miserable weather (blowing snow, 11 degrees windchill), we were all (every one of us) searching for our spot in the sun yesterday.




Everyone, that is, except the guineas… and what were they searching for?  Well they apparently were doing some soul-searching, as they spent hours (yes, hours) Sunday morning staring at their reflections in the side barn door.

Barn Cats in Late Summer

Davita and Pumpkin


During these waning days of summer, the barn cats have been taking it easy. The hot days and cooler nights have encouraged them to spend most of the day cat napping, leaving the night for prowling. You will find them in the rafters, on top of the stacks of hay or straw, or in Muffy’s case wherever she finds a convenient nesting spot. Kismet, our very first barn kitten, now chooses to spend most of his time at the old barn, far away from the other crazies. We love them all, and they are great company when doing barn, and even field chores. Of course, most importantly, they are very good at their job of barn patrol.