Tag: in the pasture
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Weekly Top Shot
joining The View From Right Here for Weekly Top Shot
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Weekly Top Shot
Weekly Top Shot
He’s become self-appointed pasture patrolman… breaking up disputes, chasing interlopers, etc. Yet come lambing time, he will be first on the scene of a new birth, encouraging the first-time mamas and watching as the babes take their first steps.
joining The View From Right Here for Weekly Top Shot
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mosey + plod :: two

Making the turn up the hill we find evidence of the wild turkeys, squirrels and chipmunks feasting under the hickory and walnut trees. There still seems to be plenty of mast on the ground so hopefully the wildlife will have a good winter.
After following us for awhile and checking our pockets for carrots, Liam and the rest of the sheep have lost interest in us and have gone back up to the top of the pasture to graze. They are intent on finding what ever green bits they can while there is no snow cover.
Walking on through the pasture to one of the bottom gates, if we look through the trees, we can see Poseidon and his girls over on the knoll pasture.
Maybe, we will mosey over there next week.
(I am so excited to be a part of this amazing group of walkers put together by urban.prairie.forest to honor her Grandma Jean. Thank you for this wonderful project!)